World Diabetes Day 2024: Influenza Diabetes Community campaign
IDC launched a social media campaign to highlight the impact of influenza on people living with diabetes and the crucial importance of influenza vaccine uptake for this risk group.
SARS-CoV-2 Infection and New-Onset Type 2 Diabetes Among Pediatric Patients, 2020 to 2022
Is a COVID-19 diagnosis associated with increased incident diagnoses of type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents?
Influenza Diabetes Community symposium: “Why is Diabetes and Influenza a Killer Combination?”
IDC organised this session delved into the complex interplay between diabetes and influenza at OPTIONS XII. It was chaired by Kirsty Short, ESWI Associate Member, featured talks by Katina Hulme, Oana Sandulescu and Tor Biering-Sørensen.
Should I get the influenza vaccine if I have diabetes and why?
ESWI addresses common questions and misconceptions amongst the general public regarding influenza, COVID-19 and RSV. These responses, elaborated by ESWI Board Members and coalition partners, aim to increase public awareness and prevent misinformation.
Understanding the gap between guidelines and influenza vaccination coverage in people with diabetes: a scoping review
Diabetes affects millions of people worldwide, making them more vulnerable to infections, including seasonal influenza. It is therefore particularly important for those suffering from diabetes to be vaccinated against influenza each year.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024
Discover the experiences and opinions of three female scientists at the University of Birmingham, who are working on finding out more about how insulin-making beta cells function and how new ones can grow in the lab.
Diabetes Community Pledge for the European Parliament Elections 2024
Sign the Diabetes Community Pledge to support the 32 million people living with diabetes in the European Union and their families. Take action by creating a strong EU diabetes policy framework supportive of national diabetes action plans.
Inflammageing mediated by cytotoxic lymphocytes is associated with diabetes duration
Type 2 diabetes is associated with increased tumor necrosis factor-α by CD8 T cells. Increased granzyme B production by natural killer cells and γδ T cells is observed in type 2 diabetes.